All the ace mecha in the Federation replaced Venus with Red Star, because the ace mecha also learned to replace the mecha with the Red Star System of the Golden Painting Institute, also known as the Golden Red Star System.

But the real meaning of shining golden armor is not the golden mecha, but the shining golden armor, which is "yellow sand can wear shining golden armor in hundreds of battles and cannot break the empire." The golden shining red star system no longer needs to bear responsibility and righteousness because of its greater ability,

Chapter 32 Jade Buddha

This matter is very important to Muhai, even in the future! That’s making rings! Making rings is extremely complicated. The first thing is to have stones! Shi Muhai doesn’t have it for the time being, but this world does. After the summer vacation, Muhai will go quarrying. In the future, if the world has stones,

"Well, then I’ll take it. Which request is it?"

Aunt looked at tenderness and Yunxiang, and then took another look at Yunxiang without waiting for Yunxiang to talk to tenderness. "I’m afraid this is Miss Qiuyun?" Allow Xiang didn’t expect aunt didn’t introduce the old lady one by one. "How can you tell?" Allow xiang don’t understand. "Although you both look a little pale,

It’s only been ten minutes.

The number of broken imperial mecha has reached as high as 60, with an average of one broken every ten seconds. Even before today, everyone knew that Ji Xinghe was powerful beyond the limits of human beings and never thought that he could witness such a miracle with his own eyes. Inexplicably, many people suddenly